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Woof - August 2022, Issue 1

Hi, I'm Moxie.













I bet you never got an email from a dog before. My writer Mary almost didn’t let me write this because she thought it might be too gimmicky. I’m not sure what gimmicky means but I’m guessing it’s some kind of trickery.

Honestly, I’m not trying to trick anybody. I just want to tell you that my writer wrote a book about me, Moxie Cinnamon Creampuff: The Nose Knows. It’s for children about 8-10 years old, but I’ve heard adults chuckle when they read it.

It’s on Amazon as a paper back and a Kindle. Click on the book below to check it out!

Catch you later. I see a chipmunk over by the …








This is writer Mary now. As I was about to send this book to the printer, the real-life Moxie contracted pneumonia. Despite all efforts, she didn't make it. All who knew her are devastated, but I believe her spirit lives on in this book and will shape future books about her that I hope to write.

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